
Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky


Anne Sadovsky is a member of the National Speakers Association and has earned the prestigious designation of Certified Speaking Professional. Based in Dallas Texas, she began her professional speaking career in 1981 and is the former VP of Marketing and Education for Lincoln Property Company. 

She is a popular guest on radio and television talk shows, is a contributing editor and featured writer for a variety of publications, and is often quoted in newspaper and magazine articles pertaining to the development of people skills. Anne is a co-author of the book “Mission Possible” with Brian Tracy and Stephen Covey.    

Her success story has been featured in Money Magazine, Ladies Home Journal, Texas Business, and many trade publications. Mirabella Magazine named her one of the 1,000 women of the ’90s. Sales and Marketing Magic Brainstorming Conference honored Anne with a Legends Award in late 2005.  As a consultant, Anne has made and saved her clients millions of dollars and has developed many effective employee teams. She has flown over one and a half million miles on American Airlines, sharing her knowledge and wit.
